Friday 15 September 2017

Viewing The World In Three Different Colours | Specspost Home Trial


Welcome to a brand new blog post! Specspost were kind enough to let me try their Home Service that is available on their website and I thought that today I would talk to you guys about it.

Since 2009, SpecsPost has brought the convenience, choice, and value of internet shopping to thousands of happy customers via eyeware that Joboth in the United Kingdom and worldwide.

You can either purchase a pair of glasses or sunglasses via the Specspost website or if you're like me who is a little bit indecisive then you can choose three completely different pairs to try out before you decide on one to choose to keep.

I decided that I would choose three designs that I liked as after all it would be me who would be choosing which ones to keep.

The first pair that I chose were The Clooney Retro Look Glasses which have a round frame to them which gives the glasses a sort of retro feel towards them. The frame is made out of a mixture of plastic and acetate. I didn't choose them just due to the name. I chose these glasses due to the fact that I already wear quite roundish glasses so I thought that I would want to try something that is similar to what I'm used to but with a different sort of feel to them. I loved the contrast of the front of the frame compared to the sides!

The second pair that I chose were The Talented Mr Ripley Glasses. Obviously, these glasses are a homage to the 1999 film that shares the same title. I love these glasses as again they have a retro feel to them but I also love these glasses due to the size of them. I have never really gone for a big frame so I thought that it would be good to try so via these amazing pair of glasses.Again, these are a mixture of acetate and plastic but I kind of love that on glasses as sometimes all metal can irritate the face sometimes.

The last pair that I chose were the Stevie Opaque Grey Geek Glasses. Sounds like a mouthful but they are amazing! I've never worn grey glasses before so I was slightly hesitant at first. I know that they are basically the grey version of the the ones that I've talked about above but I think that Grey is such a good colour for the Autumn/Winter time.

I'm in the midst of choosing the pair of glasses that I want but which pair do you think that I should choose? Let me know down below! 

If you want to have a look on Specspost's website then click here.

Thank you to the guys over at Specspost for sending me the glasses to try as a part of their home trial service.

I hope that you've enjoyed this glasses based blog post. I hope that you come back next time for another blog post.

Thanks for reading!Jamie x

This blog post was in collaboration with Specspost. All views, opinions and ramblings are my own. 

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