Hey everyone!
Welcome to a brand new blog post! I recently went to Lush White Rose to check out their Halloween range and I thought that today I would talk to you all about it.
Bath Bombs:
Bat Art
You know it’s spooky season when these beautiful bats fly into a Lush store. Bat Art contains Sicilian Lemon, Green Mandarin, Rosemary & Sage Oils. If you have shopped at Lush before then you may know this scent as Junk Perfume. To me this smells like what I’d imagine a spell ina cauldron to smell like on a crisp autumn day. It also smells like a sort of fresh Blackcurrant scent with a backnote of herbs that give off an almost menthol scent to me. This beautiful bat is very well known for their bath art as it turns the bath into a spooky spectacle like no one and honestly it’s why I pick up at least one every year! If you want a spooky bath that will make you ooh and ahh then I’d definitely recommend this one or if you want something that makes your bath dark yet glittery then I would also definitely recommend getting a Bat Art! (I used one recently so go over to my Instagram to check out some of the bath art that Bat Art creates)! Priced at £5.50.
Boo! Are you ready for a friendly ghost to surprise you in the bathroom? Ghostie is back this year and boy does it create such a delight in the bath! Ghostie contains Lemongras, Persian Lime & Sicilian Lemon Oils and Popping Candy. Ghostie has become a staple for Lush at Halloween and for good reasons. It has a beautifully bright citrus scent. To me, I’d describe it as the smell of walking through a garden of Lemon Trees mixed with the scent of freshly bruised Lemongrass. As someone who loves citrus, I adore this bomb. To me, it’s a pleasant and surprising 180 on what you’d expect when it comes to a Halloween cosmetics range. Ghostie still epitomises Halloween through being spooky and kitsch at the same time. The popping candy envelops you in the bath and makes you feel a little bit like there’s a ghost under the water.If you love rainbow bath bombs then you will love Ghostie as a beautiful rainbow slowly spills out of this Ghost and into the bath creating a water based art piece that would definitely be good enough for the Louvre. I’d definitely recommend this to anyone who loves a touch of whimsy when it comes to bath time! Priced at £5.

Jason’s mummy
Time to get wrapped up in the waters and enjoy a good soak in the bath! This bath bomb contains Tangerine, Grapefruit & Litsea Cubeba Oils. To me the grapefruit comes out the most whilst the other two oils help to boost the citrusy notes of the Grapefruit. This is a new bomb for this year and boy does it look adorable! To add to the cuteness this bomb lights up in the dark too! I’ll definitely be using this on a dark and dingy sort of day where I need a little bit of a pick me up! If you like anything with a citrus kick or The Mummy series then definitely give this a try! Priced at £4.50.
Lord Of Misrule
It’s time for this mischievous bath bomb to come out and play! This bath bomb contains Black Pepper Oil, Dark Sumatran Patchouli Oil and Vanilla Absolute to create a wonderful spooky scent. I don’t know about you but alongside Bat Art, as a lushie I know that it’s Halloween when I see these mischevious bath bombs appear in stores! Spicy yet sweet all at the same time. It’s just a fabulous scent! To me, the Patchouli & Black Pepper are the stars of the show whilst the Vanilla ensures that this scent isn’t too strong or one noted. LOM has been through a few changes in the past couple of years (let’s ignore that time where it ended up looking like a beach ball) and this year it has been revamped again. For 2023, LOM is sporting a swirled design of red and green. To me it does give off a bit of a The Gherkin building in London vibes but I don’t mind that. If you’re looking for a bomb that summarises what Halloween means to Lush then definitely pick a LOM up and don’t forget to be a little bit mischevious this Halloween! Priced at £6.

Magic Potion
Let’s throw this magic potion into the tub and see what it does. You never know, it may turn you into a noble steed! This bomb contains Popping Candy, Bergamot and Ylang Ylang Oils, Jasmine Absolue, Dragon Fruit & Nettle Powders. Some of you may know this as Christmas Eve or Jasmine Cream/The Great Wave if you have shopped at Lush for a while now. To me, the Jasmine is the star of the show whilst the Bergamot & Dragon Fruit add a citrus note and the Ylang Ylang & Nettle help to boost the floral notes of the Jasmine. The scent of this product reminds me of a perfume I’ve smelt before but sadly I wouldn’t be able to tell you which. I love the concept and design of this bath bomb as it definitely plays of the supernatural side of Halloween. I’d definitely recommend getting this for any of the witchy friends or family! Priced at £6.
Punkin Pumpkin
It’s time to punk it up this Halloween! This bath bomb contains Cinnamon Leaf, Lime, Sicilian Mandarin and Sweet Wild Orange Ouls and Pumpkin Powder. If you like Pumpkin and all things PSL like myself then I would definitely recommend giving this punk bath bomb a good inhale! To me, the Pumpkin and Cinnamon are the main stars of this bath bomb whilst the citrus not only amps the spice up but gives the scent an intriguing sprightly note that makes you go ooh. I love this bath bomb and I am very glad that it has come back this year as it emulates everything I love about Autumn, PSL, hot baths and honestly Cinnamon. (I love anything and everything Cinnamon based!) Priced at £5.50.
Ahhh! They better not ring me whilst I’m in the bath! This bath bomb made its horrifying debut last year and is back to cause more terror! This bath bomb contains Benzoin Resinoid, Ylang Ylang Oil and Almond Essential Oil. To some, you may know the scent of this bomb as Happy Blooming. To others, if you haven’t smelt this product then imagine a strong fruity Cherry scent that has notes of all things Almond like Marzipan and a hit of floral that both run as the back notes ensuring that you sniff more and more to figure out what baked goods product it reminds you of. I like this scent. It’s not too Almond heavy and works well for this time of year and I love a bath bomb that just leaks out dark colours such as deep dark blue and makes you instantly get into the spooky mood. Definitely one to grab for those who love horror movies or anything that evokes the scent of baked goods. Priced at £5.
Screaming Banshee
This bomb will make you holler just like a banshee! This bath bomb contains Bergamot, Grapefruit and Almond Essential Oils, Apple Powder, Fine Sea Salt & Popping Candy. This bath bomb may be small but it definitely packs a punch, Don’t be a spooky size queen about this bath bomb! Some of you may know the scent of this product through the Asteroid City collaboration or through the scents original name ‘Space Girl’. I absolutely love Space Girl so as soon as I heard that this bomb was scented with that fabulous yet familiar scent I was super excited. I love this scent as to me it reminds me of a pick and mix sweet shop. For this reason, I’d definitely recommend this as a bath product to use before Trick Or Treating. When I used this in the tub, I wasn’t expecting much but oh my god it really did surprise me. The scent filled the entire hallway of my house and the popping candy definitely gave the illusion of the bath bomb screaming. I’ll definitely be grabbing another one before this Halloween range goes. Priced at £3.50.

It’s time to let this spaceship fly into the tub! This bath bomb is returning from space and last year into Lush stores and bath tubs! This bath bomb is a 3 in 1. This means that you can use the top as it’s own bath bomb, submerge the bottom into hot water as it’s own bath bomb and sprinkle the salty interiors of this ship into a bath of its own or as a fruity addition to another bath that may already have a bath bomb going into it. If you want to feel extra spooky, you can also throw this whole spaceship into the bath as one. If you do this then do expect an extra special and luxurious bath! This bath bomb contains Coarse Sea Salt, Popping Candy, Blackcurrant Absolute, Sicilian Lemon and Lemongrass Oils.. I love this bath bomb and it definitely would make for an amazing gift! The Lemon and Lemongrass scent the exterior of this UFO. The exterior had an intoxicating citrus scent that kind of reminds me of a cocktail that I had a few years ago that contained a homemade Lemongrass Syrup. The interior reminds me of a Blackcurrsnt drink that is a British staple. I loved using this bomb in the tub. Did I decide to use it all as one bath bomb? Maybe. I loved the mixture of Blackcurrant and Lemongrass as it created a very sort of out of this world yet still Summery scent and the salt ensures that my skin was super nourished whilst the popping candy surprised me mainly because I forgot that it was with the salt crystals in this bomb. Priced at £9.50.

Bubble Bars:
This bubble bar wants to help you bathe in peace! This returning beauty contains Bergamot and Litsea Cubeba Oils and Benzoin Resinoid. To me, this gives off a very strong citrus scent with to me the Bergamot and Litsea Cubeba taking centre stage whilst the Benzoin helps to give a creamy undertone to the bubble bar. I know a lot of friends that are into all things space so I think that they would love this cute bubble bar. I quite like this bubble bar but it’s not my favourite citrus scent from Lush only because there’s other scents such as Avobath that just tickle my nose a little bit more if you know what I mean. If you love anything that is citrus scented then I’d recommend this bubble bar. I could also see it working as a little gift for someone alongside an Intergalactic Bath Bomb. Priced at £6.
Bubble Lugosi
It’s time to count your bubbles with this vampy bubble bar! This returning bubble bar contains Bergamot and Olibanum Oils to create a deep berry scent. If you are a big fan of Lush then you may know the scent of this bubble bar through the Blackberry family or the Sultana Of Soap. This bubble bar also contains Luminescent Zinc which helps the bubble bar to glow in the dark! I like this bubble but personally I like to pair it with other berry scents from Lush such as Conga Shower Jelly/The Comforter just to amp up the scent. Personally, I think that the scent of this bubble bar has an air of Watermelon to it but that might just be me. Fun fact, this bubble bar is inspired by the actor Bela Lugosi who played Dracula in Dracula (1031). Priced at £7.50.
Even boneheads need a good soak now and again! This bonehead contains Fine Sea Salt and Spearmint Oil. These two ingredients create a slightly creamy but fresh Mint scent that just evokes a beach on a cold day to me or a good piece of rock from the seaside. To me, I have paired this alongside Beats Shower Jelly and Magic Crystals to create an ultimate minty bathing experience! You could even gift all of the products mentioned above or Mask Of Magnaminty in a cute knot wrap to someone who loves Mint! I wasn’t expecting this to be a part of the Halloween product but it makes for a refreshing change. If you love mint then I would definitely give this breathtaking bonehead a sniff before they disappear! Priced at £6.50.
Lord Of Misrule
I must confess, there can never be too much Lord Of Misrule! This bubble bar contains Black Pepper Oil, Dark Sumatran Patchouli Oil and Vanilla Absolute. I love anything Lord Of Misrule so when I saw that this bubble bar was dropping I was very excited as I have been hoarding my Labyrinth Bubble Bar from last year just in case a LOM bubble bar didn’t return. I love the design of this bubble bar as most including myself do associate LOM with crowns. To me, the Patchouli is the main star in this bubble bar and comes across a little more compared to in other LOM products which I was a bit intrigued and confused by but hey ho. If you love Patchouli, LOM or spicy scents then I would definitely recommend grabbing this bubble bar! Priced at £6.50.
Pumpkin Crumble
Time to smash the Pumpkin and crumble it into the tub. This bubble bar contains Grapefruit, Lime and Juniperberry Oils and Pumpkin Puree to create a fizzy citrus heavy autumnal cocktail scent to me. If you have tried anything under the Sparkly Pumpkin scent then you will love this bubble bar! This bubble bar also contains Fair Trade Organic Cocoa and Shea Butters which not only nourish the waters but also the skin too which I love as the cold autumnal weather normally dries my skin out quite a bit. I guess due to the butters being in the middle of the bar, this Pumpkin Crumble could be classed as a Bubbleroon. I absolutely love this scent as it just reminds me of socialising in the cold months for some reason just like the Celebrate/Golden Wonder scent does too. Priced at £8.
Toil & Trouble Scrub
Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble, what potion can we create in the shower? This spooky scrub contains Fine Sea Salt, Lavender Flower Infusion, Peppermint Infusion, Labdanum Resinoid, Orris, Patchouli and Sage Oils. I quite like this scrub. I know that for some, it’s become a favourite for this time of year. I am not the biggest fan of Lavender and I have to be in a specific mood for it but in this scrub the lavender comes across more herbal than soothing and I guess overpowering like it normally is in products. The rest of the ingredients create a sort of deep herbal scent which does remind me a bit of a potion bubbling in a cauldron! The salt does a great job of scrubbing at the skin! If you haven’t smelt this product before then I would definitely recommend that you go and give its a sniff! Priced at £13 for a 250g tub.
Sparkly Pumpkin Shower Slime
Well, if you don’t give them a treat, you’ll get a good slimy trick… This spooky sparkly slime is back to cause more havoc! This slime contains Grapefruit, Lime, Juniperberry Oils, Fresh Grapefruit and Orange Juices. The combination of the oils and juices creates an even more citrusy cocktail than the Pumpkin Crumble Bubble Bar and to me screams party season. The juices do not overtake the oils but instead create a citrus heavy base for the oils to jump off from to create an unbelievable scent. I do like the slime but the texture is a bit of a weird one for me so I have to be in the mood to use it. Priced at £7 for a 100g tub.
Lord Of Misrule Shower Gel
It’s time to cause some misruling in the shower. Wanna come join? This shower gel is a Lush Halloween staple and I am glad that it is back! This shower gel contains Black Pepper Oil, Dark Sumatran Patchouli Oil, Vanilla Absolute and Black Pepper Infusion. I adore this gel, It just evokes Autumn to me. The main scent that comes out the most is the Black Pepper which is due to the Infusion. I definitely will be stocking up on this to last me through the year! If you love a good spicy scent that just gets you in the mood to cause some mischief then do check this gel out! Priced at £8 for a 100g bottle.
Monsters Octopus Shower Jelly
It’s time for the monsters to come out and play. This jelly contains Vanilla and Blackcurrant Absolutes, Sweet Wild Orange and Tagetes Oils and Carrageenan Extract. This jelly was out last year but this little monster has had a bit of a revamp this year. To me, last year the Blackcurrant was the main star when it came to scent whereas this year the Vanilla is the main star of the scent whilst the rest of the oils create a sort of fruity background for the Vanilla to jump from. I do love this shower jelly but I do see this product being a bit of a struggle for those who have dexterity issues due to the monsters many tentacles. If you are looking for a spooky gift for someone or a product to make bath time enjoyable for little ones then I do definitely recommend checking this product out. Priced at £10.50.
Demon In The Dark
There’s a demon lurking in the darkness of this soap! This soap contains Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Apple Juice, Organic Cator Oil, Peppermint Oil, Spearmint Oil and Clove Bud Oil. I know that for most lushies this is a beloved retro product but honestly I hadn’t smelt it before this year so I was a bit unsure on what to expect. I do like it but I don’t know. I think that it’s a scent that I do like but it will grow on me even more when I smell and use it properly. I think I just wanted more of either. Let me know if DITD is one of your favourite scents. As you can tell if I need to smell it again because I can’t pinpoint my opinion then you definitely need to go and give it a sniff. Priced at £5.
Ghost In The Dark
Boo! Will you be able to spot this ghost in the dark? This soap is a spooky favourite that is returning to Lush this year. Ghost In The Dark contains Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Castor Oil, Lemongrass and Bergamot Oils. I love this soap. Not only does it look amazing but it also smells amazing too! If you are a fan of Avobath then you will definitely love Ghost In The Dark as they both share the same scent. This soap also glows in the dark which just makes it even more adorable to me. I have been using this soap for a couple of days now and I absolutely love it. The scent lasts forever on the skin. My only qualm is that its a bit too oily for me and I am a bit scared that I’ll throw it across the bathroom every time that I use it. I’d definitely pick one up from those people in your life who love ghosts or to encourage little ones when it comes to bath time. Priced at £6.
Lord Of Misrule
This soap will definitely get you in the mood to misrule! This soap contains Patchouli Infusion, Rapeseed Oil;Coconut Oil, Black Pepper Oil, White Pepper Powder, Vanilla Absolute and Dark Sumatran Patchouli Oil. This soap is scented with the traditional LOM scent but a bit spicier due to the White Pepper which I absolutely adore. I do believe that the White Pepper may also help to stimulate the skin too! I am glad that a soap has come out this year to add to the line of LOM products that Lush stock as it just makes that bathing experience a little bit more special. The ornate design of this soap also looks so picturesque that it would be a shame not to show it off in a soap dish for all to use! Priced at £6.
Lord Of Mistule Massage Bar
Who doesn’t love a good massage? LOM Massage Bar is back this year to ensure that bodies feel smooth and nourished and smell so good that it wards off all of the evil spirits in the world. This massage bar contains Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter, Organic Shea Butter, Black Pepper Oil, Vanilla Absolute and Dark Sumatran Patchouli Oil. I bought one last year and have been able to restock all year round due to being able to get it from a curation store so when I saw that it was back for Halloween I was happy as it meant that everyone could get it! This massage bar is quite moisturising compared to some of the other Massage Bars. The scent comes through a lot when massaging it into the skin and stays on the skin for quite a while. If you suffer with dry skin or need a little bit of warming up this Halloween season then I would definitely recommend grabbing this bar as it will definitely warm you up! Priced at £8.
Mr. Pumpkin Face Fresh Face Mask
Mr. Pumpkin Face is back this year to nourish your skin! This fresh face mask contains Pumpkin Puree, Organic Pumpkin Seed Butter, Ground Pumpkin Seeds, Kaolin, Cinnamon Leaf Oil, Lime Oil, Sweet Wild Orange Oil and Sicilian Red Mandarin Oil. I absolutely adore this mask. The ground pumpkin seeds are a great scrubby base that isn’t too coarse which makes it a great mask to apply on a cold autumnal morning. The butters for me personally ensure that my skin is nourished and soft and the oils make it smell gorgeous. To me, the Cinnamon and Lime come out the most alongside the Pumpkin Puree to create a sort of more citrus heavy yet slightly spiced Pumpkin scent that just screams the beginning of Autumn. If you love falling leaves and Pumpkin based drinks and need a good face mask for me time then I would definitely recommend this mask. If you bring five empty black tubs into Lush then you can redeem them for a free face mask which includes Mr. Pumpkin Face! Priced at £10.
Pumpkin Eye Pads
These eye pads contain Pumpkin Puree, Carrageenan Extract and Activated Charcoal. These eye pads have a thick texture to them which reminds me of Cheese Singles… To me, they are very nourishing around the eyes due to the Pumpkin Puree and Carrageenan. The activated charcoal is mainly for colour, The scent is quite faint which I didn’t mind as it meant that I could put them on, relax and forget about them. I did wonder about halfway through what that slightly pumpkin scent was and then realised that it was the eye pads. If you need something that will help you just relax and unwind for a while then I would definitely recommend checking these eye pads out. Priced at £3.50.
Pumpkin Sheet Mask
This sheet mask contains Kaolin, Pumpkin Puree, Fresh Tomato, Carrageenan Extract and Brazilian Orange Oil. To me, the main scent of this mask is from the Brazilian Orange Oil. To me, the Tomato, Pumpkin and Carageenan help to nourish the face. I did like this mask but I do find sheet masks a bit troublesome to apply. Priced at £7.50.
Candy Corn Lip Scrub
This lip scrub contains Caster Sugar, Organic Jojoba Oil, Corn Oil, Brazilian Orange Oil, Rose Oil, Benzoin Resinoid, Sesame Seed Absolute and Fir Balsam Resinoid, I was intrigued to see what this lip scrub was like. Sadly I didn’t like it which I’m not surprised at because I do think Candy Corn itself tastes a little bit like warmed up vomit. Sadly to me, so does this lip scrub but with the addition of Orange and Rose. I think that Candy Corn is an acquired taste so definitely give it a smell or taste if you can. Priced at £7.
Wednesdays Face Is Full Of Woe Lip Scrub
This lip scrub contains Caster Sugar, Organic Jojoba Oil, Fair Trade Shea Butter, Organic Cold Pressed Grapeseed Oil and Sweet Wild Orange Oil. Again, I was intrigued to see what this lip scrub would be like because a lip scrub based on Wednesday Addams can mean anything really. I was happily surprised when I found out that this lip scrub shares the same scent as the retro Sugar Plum Fairy scrub which I used to adore when it was available to purchase. It’s sweet and weirdly floral with a touch of citrus which I kind of love just because it’s something different. The scent weirdly screams of my childhood. I don’t know how but it just does. I’d definitely give this a whiff/taste if you can. Priced at £7.
Lord Of Misrule Body Spray
It’s time to spritz. Spritz, spritz! This body spray contains Black Pepper Oil, Vanilla Absolute, and Dark Sumatran Patchouli Oil. This body spray lasts forever. I have sprayed it a fair few times now and it has lasted all day. The bottle that I have sadly does leak a touch for some reason but its still as good as anything. The patchouli comes out the most but you can definitely smell the Vanilla which I quite like against the spicy Patchouli and Black Pepper. Priced at £25.
Lord Of Misrule 4 Wick Candle
What’s better than a one wick candle? Four! This candle contains Dark Sumatran Patchouli Oil, Black Pepper Oil and Vanilla Absolute. I sadly haven’t tried the 4 wick candle yet but the one wick from last year is divine. It does take a bit of a while to get a decent scent throw but when you do it’s amazing. I couldn’t find this candle when I was last in so I’ll definitely be hunting it down the next time I’m in. Priced at £36.
Pumpkin Spice Lush Melt
A PSL in Lush Melt form? Gimme! I need it to spice up my life this Autumn. This Lush Melt can be used in a wax burner to scent a room or as a bath melt to nourish the skin and scent the bath with its beautiful oils. This lush melt contains FairTrade Organic Cocoa Butter, Almond Oil, Cinnamon Leaf Oil, Clove Bud Oil, Ginger Absolute, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Pumpkin Seed Oil. I haven’t tried this in the bath but I have tried this in a wax burner and it is to die for. To me, the main scents that come through the most are the Cinnamon, Clove and Ginger. I love anything with Ginger in it and it does very much smell like a Pumpkin Spice Latte. I am definitely intrigued to see what it is like as a bath melt. I would definitely recommend giving it a try if you enjoy anything PSL inspired. Priced at £6.50.
Have you tried anything from this years Lush Halloween 2023 range? Let me know down below.
Thanks to the staff at Lush White Rose for assisting myself and Luke with checking out the Halloween range.
Thanks for reading!
Jamie x